May 23, 2012


It's my second time to set foot on Capiz but my first for a coverage.

Our flight to Roxas is around 9am, I came in a little late but just in time for us to board the plane. Hehehe.

We stayed at Roxas Midtown Hotel.

Capiz is known as the Seafood Capital of the Philippines. Need I say why? For seafood lovers specially those fond of eating fish will really have a good time in Capiz. As for me, it's equivalent to hunger.

Nonetheless, I enjoyed Capiz. Fish be with you! Hehehe..


A friend of mine, Anthony Garcia, whom I met on cyberspace, asked me if I can be a judge to their company's event.

Anthony is working at Philippine Children's Medical Center, and they just celebrated the company's 32nd year anniversary.

I came at PCMC 30 minutes before the said time. Everybody was wearing their beautiful and colorful costumes. They have Mardi Gras as the theme of their anniversary.

I met the other two judges who will be helping me to determine who will be the winner of the dance competition. The older woman is a retired government employee, while the the other one is currently working in Fitness First.

Eight teams performed in front us. Showcasing their hidden talents in dancing.

It was a very humbling and memorable experience for me judging people (in a good way)

May 22, 2012


I once shared with you guys the rift that happened between me and Zelda. Well, it's turning one year old tomorrow, May 23, 2012.

Honestly, all our friends really wanted us to patch things up. Who doesn't? But I always tell them that it will just happen. When, who knows.

Last Saturday, someone was calling me. The number is not registered on my phone but it looks familiar. I already had a hunch who was calling me but I made it sure and dialled the number on my other phone. And yes, it was Zelda.

I didn't answer her calls, instead I called up our friends, Clarice, Ryan and Brian and asked them why she (Zelda) is calling me. They all told me that she's inviting for their town fiesta. They also added that I should pick up the call or text Zelda and make amends. I insist.

The next day, after countless phone calls to our friends...I sent Zelda a text message "yes? was busy yesterday..." and then after 5 minutes, she called up and that time, I picked it up.

The conversation was a bit casual, like nothing happened. I said that I'll try to come.

By 5pm, I drove to Heritage Homes in Marilao where they live. Our friends, Ryan and his wife, brian, Clarice and her new boyfriend were already there when I arrived.

Then came Zelda's dad, then Mael (Zelda's husband who's also our classmate way back in highchool) then Zelda's mom. The three of them seemed happy to see me again after a long long time. Kept asking how have I been while I'm wondering where Zelda is. They said that Zelda's inside the house fixing things.

Then Zelda came out...

If you guys were expecting for a tearful meet-up...sorry, it didn't happen.

Zelda only spoke to me twice if I remember it was when she asked me to eat, second when she asked me what to drink. 

Maybe she's really busy but I felt the cold treatment she was giving me. I know her so well.

So I was just there, sitting and having drinks with Ryan and Melody, Mael and Brian. Clarice and her boyfriend left early.

I went inside the house to pee, but I was really looking for an opportunity for Zelda and me to talk. No luck on the the first time.

I went inside again to pee. when I went out, Zelda was eating at the dining table together with a girl and Melody. So I approached them.

I was standing in front of Zelda while she kept on munching. She did talk to me. Again, nothing dramatic happened. I exited politely as if I'm a complete stranger who just had a small talk with the owner of the house.

That small talk, that moment inside with Zelda, made me realize two things. THINGS HAVE CHANGED AND WE WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS AGAIN.

I grabbed my phone and sent Ryan, Brian and Carol a text message. I told them that I wanted to go home and that I was offended by the way Zelda talked to me. They agreed and so we bid Mael and Zelda goodbye.

Time can really change a lot of things and can change people as well for the good or for the bad and that change is part of life and we cannot avoid it.  

I felt so stupid swallowing my pride and coming to their home that day and Zelda just sat there, munching and told me that I should be grateful that she called me up and invited me.

But let's just leave it that way.

If she felt like she was force to invite, sorry. If she felt that she don't want me to be her friend...the feeling is mutual.

May 5, 2012


I just wanna share with you guys a couple of photos I have while driving, thanks to Rose.

Sorry, it's hard to take some pictures while you are behind the wheel.

The photos were taken when we decided to go for a road trip September of last year.