It's so rare to get a message in Planet Romeo saying a guy (a gay guy to be exact) is interested in you...but not just for sex. I mean, he's after more than sex.
Last Friday, someone messaged me confessing that he's interested in me and that he finds me attractive...hehehe. So I voluntarily gave him my number and we started texting.

His name is Drew, 25 years old. He's living in Malabon and works in a call center. Honestly, when I found out that he's working in a call center, I immediately popped him a question about the HIV/AIDS issue. But I made it as subtle as I can. Of course, who wants to date a guy or even sleep with a guy who's a carrier of HIV?

Physically, I like him. About his age...ummm, I think there won't be any problem with a 26 year old dating a 25 year old right? Okay, Let me describe him for you beyond the physical thingy. He's sweet (so far) definitely knows a lot of things (I can tell it by the way we excahnge text messages and on how he ask me some questions)

So today, I mean later...we will have our first date and hopefully it will turn out good. Who knows what's in store for us.
Details of the date...soon!
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