Inzatiable's recent trip to Kalinga for my Salamat Dok program made me discover another beautiful place in our country.
Lucky for me, part of my coverage is Kalinga's sights and sounds. Inzatiable got to experience WHITE WATER RAFTING for the first time! And it was indeed a very awesome experience. I got wet but i really really had SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! As in!

I also tried rapelling. I tried rapelling before but I have this wall to kick on to while descending, what I tried in Kalinga is the AERIAL RAPELLING...and it really made my knees shake! The Kalinga Mountaineering Society had a hard time convincing me to do it for MORE THAN 30 MINUTES!!! What can I do?! I'M SCARED!!! Hello, I'd be suspended on air with just a rope 35 FEET from the ground. How was that?!

And of course, meeting new sets of contacts that I already considered as friends. It's a good thing to have lots of friends.
(with Kalinga's Governor at the center)
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