Since I'm such a kiss and tell (not that much, hehehe) you are all aware that I've had my share of guys from across the globe, mostly Europeans. I've dated French, Canadian, Swiss, Italian, Portuguese, Australian...but now, I'm going Asian.
One weekend, I received a mail in my Manjam account from Enzo. I clicked his link and run through his profile. Though it never mentioned what nationality he has, he did say that he's not speaking Tagalog. I replied to his message and we agreed to go online in YM.
There, during the conversation I found out that Enzo is a 19-year old Indonesian studying Medtech here in the country.
Fast forward, we dated a couple of times and...yes, you're guess is right. Lol. We slept together and did it as soon as we got in the room and when we woke up the next morning.
Now, that's what you call some Asian cuisine! :)