Last Octobr 10, I attended the baptismal of my friend's first baby, my latest godchild...Iver Claren that is.

Held at the church in Heritage Homes in Marilao, Bulacan around 10am.

Another couple which is Dai and Cholo were also present.
Of course the ninongs and ninangs were present, a baptismal isn't complete without them right? So together with me are Lea and Eden.
After the christening, we headed straight to the Clubhouse wher the reception was held and then to their former residence where the inuman was held.

Everyone was there. Mostly from highschool like Jonna Mae, Jolly Anne, Ryan and his wife Melody, Carina, Brian and Clarice.
Another couple which is Dai and Cholo were also present.

Be a good boy Iver when you grow up, ok?!