When I, Inzatiable first found out that I would go to Mindanao to cover the MILF (actually, it's the mothers of the MILF's) I really really felt scared and at the same time very very eager. I mean, it's not everyday that you'd be given a chance to do a story on MILF.
Anyways, Marawi City is like almost a 4-hour drive from Cagayan de Oro. I'm really not sure coz I was sleeping during the travel time. That's what they call the power nap...hehehe.

I was told that Marawi City is a 100% Muslim City...meaning no pork allowed. So I was deprived of pork meat for my 3 days stay. Frankly speaking, I felt like I was in Quiapo.

We stayed at Marawi Resort Inc., the only hotel in Marawi City. The place have a lovely scenery not to mention the cold wind kissing your skin when you wake up in the morning and most especially at night.

Trivia, (maybe just for me) the place don't sell liquors. It's because of the Muslim culture that drinking is a bad thing as per Allah. (I can almost compare Marawi City to Iwahig in Palawan and the one in Mindoro, basing from the feeling that you can freely roam around the area but unfortunately you have nothing else to do)
But wait, there's more...thanks to Manong Guard, Inzatiable and my cameraman were able to indulge oursleves to 2 liters of Red Horse Beer. Lol.
October 18, when Inzatiable left Marawi City, I felt more of a Journalist, that there are still a lot of things for everybody to know. Felt more of a Filipino, that we have to be aware the situations of the people in Mindanao and Inzatiable felt more of a person, knowing that we have to embrace and respect each other's culture and belief.
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