"It's nice to laugh but sometimes a smile will do..." This is the text message I cascaded last night to some of my friends.
I have been enjoying the simple beauty of smiling for the past 3 days now.
It started when someone replied through my Downelink account. He just gave his number. And that's where it started. (Wink)
For his own sake, I will not reveal his name. He works in an advertising company in Makati. The guy lives somewhere in Quezon City.
I must admit, I like the guy. Why would i ask for his number if I'm not. The guy seems intelligent, witty, has a good sense of humor. But I don't know the reason why our exchange of text messages really puts a smile on my face.
Maybe because I missed the time when smiling was so easy to do. That smiling somehow delivers a statement of contentment.
After my (another) failed relationship, it's been quite a while since I put up a smile.
Thank you "SIR" for the smile...
July 8, 2009
July 7, 2009
IN-SA-TIA-BLE (in-sey-shuh-buhl)
Not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased; very greedy; as, an insatiable appetite, thirst, or desire.
I got to find out about the meaning of this word when one of my favorite artist, Darren Hayes released his first single as a solo artist having INSATIABLE as the title.
At first, it was the music that really catched me, but the title left me puzzled so I looked for it in the dictionary and I said to myself that, ya...we are...i am insatiable.
The word means incapable of beign satisfied. Wait...before you raised your eyebrows and open your mouth, think again. Of course, that statement is so vague. What kind of satisfaction are we talking about here. Therefore, it's a case to case basis right?!
It also connotes an insatiable desire, thirst or appetite. Yes, it is still vague.
Humans as we are, we are always feeling the hunger, the urge for somehting. The feeling of not being contented with what we have. That we still look for more than what we have and ask for something.
It's not wrong to be insatiable.
Not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased; very greedy; as, an insatiable appetite, thirst, or desire.
I got to find out about the meaning of this word when one of my favorite artist, Darren Hayes released his first single as a solo artist having INSATIABLE as the title.
At first, it was the music that really catched me, but the title left me puzzled so I looked for it in the dictionary and I said to myself that, ya...we are...i am insatiable.
The word means incapable of beign satisfied. Wait...before you raised your eyebrows and open your mouth, think again. Of course, that statement is so vague. What kind of satisfaction are we talking about here. Therefore, it's a case to case basis right?!
It also connotes an insatiable desire, thirst or appetite. Yes, it is still vague.
Humans as we are, we are always feeling the hunger, the urge for somehting. The feeling of not being contented with what we have. That we still look for more than what we have and ask for something.
It's not wrong to be insatiable.
July 5, 2009
This is the last stop for my Tour de Visayas fro Biyaheng Bisaya Part 2.
It was my third time in Aklan, but this is the first time i'm gonna be staying for work.
We stayed at Sampaguita Gardens. (Thank you Sir Rolf for the warmest welcome you gave us)

Photos from Sampaguita Gardens. The place is wonderful.

May 27, 2009...It's official, I'm already 26 years old. I celebrated it at Niche Grill. With my friends from highschool and colleagues from work, the night was indeed remarkable.
Ewa, Lyn, Paul, Jeff (Grace's Husband), Ryan adn Kulet
Zelda, Carina, Clarice and Grace...US GIRLS!
After Biyaheng Bisaya Part 1, here comes Biyaheng Bisaya Part 2...
This is just one-third of the places I've been to from June 21-24. Capiz is our second stop. I really don't have any business in Capiz nor a story to shoot. I just need to drop some of the crew here. The land travel from Iloilo to Capiz was sooooo tiring.
We arrived at Capiz past 10pm. Had our dinner and continued our trip to Aklan. But before we left Capiz, I made it sure that I had it documented. Lol...

I haven't been to Bohol and I was really very eager to be in this place. So when I found out that my next assignment is to look for a story in Bohol for Rated K's Biyaheng Bisya Part 1, I really made sure that the story is really something.

July 4, 2009

At last, I have my very own LG KP 500 aka LG Cookie.
I bought it last Saturday, May 16, 2009 while waiting for Zelda and Mael.
Thanks to Ekym, who also owns a Cookie that really inspires me more to get one.
Actually, I really fell in love with the LG Cookie when it first came out in the market.
I bought it as a Part 1 gift to myself for my upcoming birthday and of course for working so hard...hehehe!
I'm still thinking of buying another gift for moi next week just in time for my birthday.
Thanks to the saleslady in Greenhills. She gave me a very reasonable price for my Cookie.
I love my new phone. I love my cookie...(I think I already made it clear that I love the phone ayt?!)

At last, I have my very own LG KP 500 aka LG Cookie.
I bought it last Saturday, May 16, 2009 while waiting for Zelda and Mael.
Thanks to Ekym, who also owns a Cookie that really inspires me more to get one.
Actually, I really fell in love with the LG Cookie when it first came out in the market.
I bought it as a Part 1 gift to myself for my upcoming birthday and of course for working so hard...hehehe!
I'm still thinking of buying another gift for moi next week just in time for my birthday.
Thanks to the saleslady in Greenhills. She gave me a very reasonable price for my Cookie.
I love my new phone. I love my cookie...(I think I already made it clear that I love the phone ayt?!)
Yes I'm still seeing this ghost. And boy, this ghost's hair grew quite long enough to be tied up.
The usual emotions everytime I'm seeing this ghost like super kaba and as if I am stunned are still there.
This afternoon, December 19, 2008 I went to Rated K's office to look for my friend Jessie. Apparently she's nowhere to be found and Angel was there and yes, the ghost was there beside the door.
I asked Angel to smoke. Angel said yes but I was shocked when she asked the ghost to smoke with us. OMG!
I instantly said..."Sabi ko tayo!"
Why I said that? Of course I don't wanna smoke and have this ghost standing beside me or whatever. Just don't like the feeling.
I think I heard the ghost right..."Ayaw mo ko kasama magyosi?!"
I didn't know what to say...I just pretended that I didn't hear what the ghost said.
Ok, there we sat at the lobby (Angel and me) smoking...after one stick...Angel acknowlegde the presence of the ghost standing at my back.
I can't look and I don't wanna look. But surely, the ghost's presence was too strong not to be noticed.
I just felt so akward...coz Angel was talking to the ghost and I'm not.
Yes I'm still seeing this ghost. And boy, this ghost's hair grew quite long enough to be tied up.
The usual emotions everytime I'm seeing this ghost like super kaba and as if I am stunned are still there.
This afternoon, December 19, 2008 I went to Rated K's office to look for my friend Jessie. Apparently she's nowhere to be found and Angel was there and yes, the ghost was there beside the door.
I asked Angel to smoke. Angel said yes but I was shocked when she asked the ghost to smoke with us. OMG!
I instantly said..."Sabi ko tayo!"
Why I said that? Of course I don't wanna smoke and have this ghost standing beside me or whatever. Just don't like the feeling.
I think I heard the ghost right..."Ayaw mo ko kasama magyosi?!"
I didn't know what to say...I just pretended that I didn't hear what the ghost said.
Ok, there we sat at the lobby (Angel and me) smoking...after one stick...Angel acknowlegde the presence of the ghost standing at my back.
I can't look and I don't wanna look. But surely, the ghost's presence was too strong not to be noticed.
I just felt so akward...coz Angel was talking to the ghost and I'm not.
It's been 3 years since I last saw his ghost from seven years of haunting. Good thing this ghost already vanished and abandoned me. I thought I'd never see one...not until now.
And now another ghost is all set to haunt me to whenever. But now, the ghost is more frightening. Everytime I see this new ghost, I feel pain, disappointment and anger. The emotions are so strong...and I can't fight it.
This month marks the first day of his haunting. The first appearance happened at the lobby of ABS-CBN. I was about to be fetched by the crewcab going to my shoot when I saw his ghost standing right beside the wall. I pretended not to notice his presence. But my eyes can't help but to catch a glimpse of him. When
I had the courage to face him, this ghost was nowhere to be seen.
I also saw his ghost in the office. The ghost was sitting in a chair watching TV when I entered the room coz I'm gonna ask someone what time she will be going home. His eyes laid upon me. I was stunned for a moment but kept my composure. Again, I acted like I'm not seeing him. But his presence is so strong.
So strong, i immediately stepped out of the room after I have spoken to the person.
The ghost also haunts me on my way to the office. Though I can't see him, the song being played reminds me of this ghost.
How long will this ghost haunt me? Why? When will it stop? I hope it's not too soon.
It's been 3 years since I last saw his ghost from seven years of haunting. Good thing this ghost already vanished and abandoned me. I thought I'd never see one...not until now.
And now another ghost is all set to haunt me to whenever. But now, the ghost is more frightening. Everytime I see this new ghost, I feel pain, disappointment and anger. The emotions are so strong...and I can't fight it.
This month marks the first day of his haunting. The first appearance happened at the lobby of ABS-CBN. I was about to be fetched by the crewcab going to my shoot when I saw his ghost standing right beside the wall. I pretended not to notice his presence. But my eyes can't help but to catch a glimpse of him. When
I had the courage to face him, this ghost was nowhere to be seen.
I also saw his ghost in the office. The ghost was sitting in a chair watching TV when I entered the room coz I'm gonna ask someone what time she will be going home. His eyes laid upon me. I was stunned for a moment but kept my composure. Again, I acted like I'm not seeing him. But his presence is so strong.
So strong, i immediately stepped out of the room after I have spoken to the person.
The ghost also haunts me on my way to the office. Though I can't see him, the song being played reminds me of this ghost.
How long will this ghost haunt me? Why? When will it stop? I hope it's not too soon.
Last Wednesday, I got across my professor in Math (Sir Tolentino) when I was still in High School on the way to Monumento.
Actually he's the one who greeted me first. I felt like if I greeted him first, he might not recognize me because of the number of students he have handled in school.
So he asked me the usual question that is if I'm working. I told him that I am with ABS-CBN. He also asked about the rest of the peeps in MIDES(my section when I was in 4th Year High School)
I asked him about SMASN, and he said that there have been a lot of changes.
While conversing with him, I felt like I was rocketed back to my High School years.
It was the year 2000 when we...I graduated from High School. We were really young then. I was really young then.
At the age of 16, I still don't know the meaning of gimik. Gimik to me that time was spending the rest of your time hanging out with my friends/classmates after school either on the campus or on someone else's house. I'm not really fond of going to the malls way back then.
I don't even have vices then. I remember me saying 8 years ago that I will never, ever smoke and drink. But hey, things change ayt?! I'm just human...born to make mistakes and be prone to sins.
Of course I have a lot of friends in High School. The good ones, the bad ones (that's how I classify them, nothing literal)
Oh my god, who could forget the "Autograph" (HAHAHAHA) God, they're almost everywhere. Felt like I was a celebrity signing every Autograph that my classmates were handing me over. Answering the questions like who is your crush? What is love? Who's your first kiss? Favorite color? Motto in life, Hobbies and of course...the last part of it is the Dedication which always have the same message....
"Thanks for letting me sign in this cute autograph of yours..." Grabe, I can't help but smile. I felt like people are staring at me coz of the look on my face.
Who can escape the boy bands like N'Sync, Backstreet Boys and girl groups like All Saints and of course the Spice Girls (Girl Power...go Posh Spice!)
And when you talk about High School, it’s inevitable to talk about crushes. The guy whom you wanna see everyday and one of the reasons why you go to school. The guy that every girl adores even your closest friend has a crush on him. Maybe even your teachers. (Hahaha)
Also, the days when the school has to take a break like Intramurals. You cheer just to give boost and support to the players of your section. We all know that section rivalry is always and will always be part of every High Schooler.
Who can forget about JS PROM.? Every student in High School awaits the moment of being a Junior in school basically because of the Prom. It’s the total break from class talaga. Just one night, one unforgettable night wherein every guy would put on their suit, dance the girl of his dreams. One night wherein every girl would become ladies and wear their nice gowns and wait till their crush approach them and ask her for a dance.
Lastly, it’s the time when you and your classmates should part ways obviously because you have to graduate and move on with your life as a College student. The moment when that graduation song began to play…
“Time be with you till we meet again, guide and keep you till we meet again. Though we may not see around the bend…”
Then you start to cry and look for your bestfriend, your barkada, your girlfriends, your katoto’s, your seatmate, your crush (actually this is the best time kasi he/she can’t reject you for an embrace) You tell each other that you will definitely miss his/her/their company and that you are hoping that you can find another him/her/them in College.
Hay, High School life…so many memories.
Last Wednesday, I got across my professor in Math (Sir Tolentino) when I was still in High School on the way to Monumento.
Actually he's the one who greeted me first. I felt like if I greeted him first, he might not recognize me because of the number of students he have handled in school.
So he asked me the usual question that is if I'm working. I told him that I am with ABS-CBN. He also asked about the rest of the peeps in MIDES(my section when I was in 4th Year High School)
I asked him about SMASN, and he said that there have been a lot of changes.
While conversing with him, I felt like I was rocketed back to my High School years.
It was the year 2000 when we...I graduated from High School. We were really young then. I was really young then.
At the age of 16, I still don't know the meaning of gimik. Gimik to me that time was spending the rest of your time hanging out with my friends/classmates after school either on the campus or on someone else's house. I'm not really fond of going to the malls way back then.
I don't even have vices then. I remember me saying 8 years ago that I will never, ever smoke and drink. But hey, things change ayt?! I'm just human...born to make mistakes and be prone to sins.
Of course I have a lot of friends in High School. The good ones, the bad ones (that's how I classify them, nothing literal)
Oh my god, who could forget the "Autograph" (HAHAHAHA) God, they're almost everywhere. Felt like I was a celebrity signing every Autograph that my classmates were handing me over. Answering the questions like who is your crush? What is love? Who's your first kiss? Favorite color? Motto in life, Hobbies and of course...the last part of it is the Dedication which always have the same message....
"Thanks for letting me sign in this cute autograph of yours..." Grabe, I can't help but smile. I felt like people are staring at me coz of the look on my face.
Who can escape the boy bands like N'Sync, Backstreet Boys and girl groups like All Saints and of course the Spice Girls (Girl Power...go Posh Spice!)
And when you talk about High School, it’s inevitable to talk about crushes. The guy whom you wanna see everyday and one of the reasons why you go to school. The guy that every girl adores even your closest friend has a crush on him. Maybe even your teachers. (Hahaha)
Also, the days when the school has to take a break like Intramurals. You cheer just to give boost and support to the players of your section. We all know that section rivalry is always and will always be part of every High Schooler.
Who can forget about JS PROM.? Every student in High School awaits the moment of being a Junior in school basically because of the Prom. It’s the total break from class talaga. Just one night, one unforgettable night wherein every guy would put on their suit, dance the girl of his dreams. One night wherein every girl would become ladies and wear their nice gowns and wait till their crush approach them and ask her for a dance.
Lastly, it’s the time when you and your classmates should part ways obviously because you have to graduate and move on with your life as a College student. The moment when that graduation song began to play…
“Time be with you till we meet again, guide and keep you till we meet again. Though we may not see around the bend…”
Then you start to cry and look for your bestfriend, your barkada, your girlfriends, your katoto’s, your seatmate, your crush (actually this is the best time kasi he/she can’t reject you for an embrace) You tell each other that you will definitely miss his/her/their company and that you are hoping that you can find another him/her/them in College.
Hay, High School life…so many memories.
With all the the "BACKGROUNDER" entries I made...you would think that I'm not yet done sharing my expeience with this guy. Yes, there are still lot of stories to tell, some are good, some are bad. But I decided not to continue it anymore.
Why? Writing every entries for the past months that concerns him is really a torture. Making me linger and somehow still holding on to whatever it is that I have with him.
I haven't seen him for a week now. I meant not bumping into him at the corridor or at the lobby, even at TOC (a place in ABS-CBN where all the smokers and coffee lovers and the rest of the people who just wanna have a break with work hangs-out)
They say that absence makes the heart grow ponder. I really don't believe in this cliche before. But now, I think getting over someone requires distance and perseverance. I think it's really all in our minds. What the mind can conceive..the body can achieve.
This is not to prove to anyone nor to him that I think I'm over with him coz in the first place there's nothing really to prove. I thought that after I left the show, it would take me a decade to really be over him. (Remember the first guy I mentioned that I have fallen in-love with way back in high school? It took me 7 fucking years to get rid of him in my mind and in my heart)
A decade? Maybe you guys would say that it's so pathetic. Yes it is. And I don't wanna be pathetic. Maybe I've changed. Maybe I'm over coz there's no more thinking of him every day, every night. No butterflies in my stomach everytime I see him.
I'm not angry at him...just disappointed! And that is why I'm moving on...
With all the the "BACKGROUNDER" entries I made...you would think that I'm not yet done sharing my expeience with this guy. Yes, there are still lot of stories to tell, some are good, some are bad. But I decided not to continue it anymore.
Why? Writing every entries for the past months that concerns him is really a torture. Making me linger and somehow still holding on to whatever it is that I have with him.
I haven't seen him for a week now. I meant not bumping into him at the corridor or at the lobby, even at TOC (a place in ABS-CBN where all the smokers and coffee lovers and the rest of the people who just wanna have a break with work hangs-out)
They say that absence makes the heart grow ponder. I really don't believe in this cliche before. But now, I think getting over someone requires distance and perseverance. I think it's really all in our minds. What the mind can conceive..the body can achieve.
This is not to prove to anyone nor to him that I think I'm over with him coz in the first place there's nothing really to prove. I thought that after I left the show, it would take me a decade to really be over him. (Remember the first guy I mentioned that I have fallen in-love with way back in high school? It took me 7 fucking years to get rid of him in my mind and in my heart)
A decade? Maybe you guys would say that it's so pathetic. Yes it is. And I don't wanna be pathetic. Maybe I've changed. Maybe I'm over coz there's no more thinking of him every day, every night. No butterflies in my stomach everytime I see him.
I'm not angry at him...just disappointed! And that is why I'm moving on...
This is connected to the trip I made to Zamboanga, Sibugay. In Rated K, everytime you go on an out of town for a coverage, you should have at least another story to bring home.
Aside from the seaweed farmer story who takes care of sea snakes, another story was produce in that coverage. But the story isn't complete without the re-enactment.
We(Stanley and I) decided to do the re-enactment in UP. With three talents, me, the cameraman and Stanley, we rode the van provided for us. But as the shoot went on, Ate Lizette said that the van must be pulled out from us and that I should contact Nelson to fetch us.
That time, we are not in good terms. I don't know why. I can't remember na. So I sent him a text relaying Ate Lizette's message. He insisted that he can't do it coz he's still in a coverage and that I should look for another driver. I forwarded him the text of Ate Lizette. My point is, I'm not the one who said that, it's Ate Lizette's. And that if he have any problem with that, better text Ate Lizette.
So after how many minutes, he arrived at the location. As usual, nakasimangot na naman. I was wearing a blue jacket coz I'm still not feeling well after I took a one week leave coz of sickness.
Before we finished the shoot, umulan na ng sobrang lakas. As in malakas. May bagyo yata noon. Ending, nabasa kami lahat. We need to take care of our talents kasi kargo din naman namin sila. Stanley said na sumakay na sila kay Nelson. Since we're six all in all, obviously we will not fit in one crewcab alone. So I texted Mang Gaspar for back-up.
When Mang Gaspar came, Stanley and the cameraman immediately hopped in. I rode in Nelson's crewcab (even though I don't wanna to) basically the talents were there. I sat in the passenger's seat next to the driver's seat.
I was dripping. Fuck, kagagaling ko pa man din sa sakit and I'm not yet totally magaling. i pulled out my hanky and tried to dry myself.
"Basa ka na" Nelson said.
"Obvious ba?!" I replied with the sarcastic tone coz I'm still pissed by the way he responded to my text.
"Magpalit ka na ng damit. Baka matuyuan ka" he said.
"Alam ko, pagdating na lang sa office. Papatuyo ako. Tsaka wala naman akong dalang damit kasi di ko naman alam na mababasa ako di ba?!" I said.
He reached something at the back of his seat. It was his backpack. He opened it. Pulled-out a plastic bag and handed it to me.
"Ayan, t-shirt...magpalit ka. Kagagaling mo lang sa sakit, baka lalo ka magkasakit" Nelson said.
Oh my god, I can't imagine that he would do such a thing. I mean, I really find it weird yet flattering.
"Thank you, maya na. Tsaka, matutuyo din naman ito." I insisted.
I really wanted to make a point. That I won't be pursuaded that easily kahit gusto ko na kunin dahil nanlalamig na talaga ko.
"Magpalit ka na. Pag ikaw natuyuan, magkakasakit ka ulit. Sige na, magpalit ka na!" he said.
I pulled-out the shirt from the plastic and I wore it. I said my thank you.
Before we get back to the office...ok na kami.
This is connected to the trip I made to Zamboanga, Sibugay. In Rated K, everytime you go on an out of town for a coverage, you should have at least another story to bring home.
Aside from the seaweed farmer story who takes care of sea snakes, another story was produce in that coverage. But the story isn't complete without the re-enactment.
We(Stanley and I) decided to do the re-enactment in UP. With three talents, me, the cameraman and Stanley, we rode the van provided for us. But as the shoot went on, Ate Lizette said that the van must be pulled out from us and that I should contact Nelson to fetch us.
That time, we are not in good terms. I don't know why. I can't remember na. So I sent him a text relaying Ate Lizette's message. He insisted that he can't do it coz he's still in a coverage and that I should look for another driver. I forwarded him the text of Ate Lizette. My point is, I'm not the one who said that, it's Ate Lizette's. And that if he have any problem with that, better text Ate Lizette.
So after how many minutes, he arrived at the location. As usual, nakasimangot na naman. I was wearing a blue jacket coz I'm still not feeling well after I took a one week leave coz of sickness.
Before we finished the shoot, umulan na ng sobrang lakas. As in malakas. May bagyo yata noon. Ending, nabasa kami lahat. We need to take care of our talents kasi kargo din naman namin sila. Stanley said na sumakay na sila kay Nelson. Since we're six all in all, obviously we will not fit in one crewcab alone. So I texted Mang Gaspar for back-up.
When Mang Gaspar came, Stanley and the cameraman immediately hopped in. I rode in Nelson's crewcab (even though I don't wanna to) basically the talents were there. I sat in the passenger's seat next to the driver's seat.
I was dripping. Fuck, kagagaling ko pa man din sa sakit and I'm not yet totally magaling. i pulled out my hanky and tried to dry myself.
"Basa ka na" Nelson said.
"Obvious ba?!" I replied with the sarcastic tone coz I'm still pissed by the way he responded to my text.
"Magpalit ka na ng damit. Baka matuyuan ka" he said.
"Alam ko, pagdating na lang sa office. Papatuyo ako. Tsaka wala naman akong dalang damit kasi di ko naman alam na mababasa ako di ba?!" I said.
He reached something at the back of his seat. It was his backpack. He opened it. Pulled-out a plastic bag and handed it to me.
"Ayan, t-shirt...magpalit ka. Kagagaling mo lang sa sakit, baka lalo ka magkasakit" Nelson said.
Oh my god, I can't imagine that he would do such a thing. I mean, I really find it weird yet flattering.
"Thank you, maya na. Tsaka, matutuyo din naman ito." I insisted.
I really wanted to make a point. That I won't be pursuaded that easily kahit gusto ko na kunin dahil nanlalamig na talaga ko.
"Magpalit ka na. Pag ikaw natuyuan, magkakasakit ka ulit. Sige na, magpalit ka na!" he said.
I pulled-out the shirt from the plastic and I wore it. I said my thank you.
Before we get back to the office...ok na kami.
Sunday afternoon, I got a text message from Kuya Otep telling me that I should start working on my assignment for the next episode and that I have to make proper coordinations in Manila Zoo regarding Korina Sanchez' standupper the next day.
I was given an omnibus story (three case studies in one segment) about wild animal handlers. The one handling the largest croc in the country in Davao City, the one handling the tigers of Zoobic Safari in Subic and the German National who have this vast collection of venomous snakes in Mindoro.
Monday, We were all set for the standupper of our host, unfortunately it was packed-up and rescheduled the next day.
Since the story requires us to go to three different places in one week, my writer and I agreed to work separately.
Tuesday, I flew to Davao together with my cameraman. My writer took in charge of the standupper in Manila. I came back Wednesday night. My writer had just finished covering the tiger handlers in subic. I beg to do the shoot on Friday kasi sobrang pagod na din naman ako. I was convinced that I really wanted to get some rest, better go to Mindoro on Thursday and have my rest day on Saturday until Sunday.
So, I called up Ate Lizette asking for a crew coz we need to leave ABS-CBN by 2 or 3am to catch the Montenegro Ship going to Mindoro. Surprisingly, he was my crew.
My writer didn't join the coverage coz he needs to write the script. He just gave the questions needed to be ask and the shots he needed.
So I went to Mindoro together with Nelson and Kuya Celso (Cameraman). The perks of having a shoot out of town (kahit nakakapagod)...one you get to see a different view and be away from the office. Second, you get to be with someone you really wanna be with. Hehehe.
We arrived in Mindoro by 7am siguro or 8am then headed to the house of Mario Lutz, the German National who collects venomous snakes like viper, cobra, rattlesnakes.
After the shoot. Syempre kulitan na. We went to our hotel to freshen up and get some rest coz we need to get back to Manila the next day.
Wala lang...dapat magkatabi kami sa kama tapos si Kuya Celso ang sa extra bed eh kaso nahiya naman ako. Besides I don't like the feeling of being tease with him and mostly if I am in front of him. Parang masyadong give away, parang bonus. It's makes me feel that he thinks that I'm telling people about it.
Ayun, tsaka nagmoment ako nun. Kasi tumawag si Noemi, ang tagal nila nag-usap sa phone. (Taray di ba? As if may relasyon kami...) Sobrang snob ako, niyayaya niya ko tumabi sa kama...deadma lang ako. Tapos uminom sila ni Kuya Celso ng maliit na Gran Matador. Ako...tulog-tulugan ang drama.
The next day, nung pauwi na kami, naglambing naman siya. That's one thing I like about him. Pag alam niyang bwisit ako, he knows how to make me smile and make bawi.
Syangapala, the day na pabalik kami was my birthday. So siya unang bumati sa akin. Tapos nung nasa Batangas area na kami habang nasa crewcab, tinugtog yung kanta ni Nina for Goldilocks...
Sobrang tuwang-tuwa ako kasi sinabayan niya at kinanta niya para sa akin...
"Ang araw na ito...ay araw mo pagdating mo sa ating mundo. Matatandaan, di malilimutan kailanman, kailanman. I wish you a happy birthday!"
Sunday afternoon, I got a text message from Kuya Otep telling me that I should start working on my assignment for the next episode and that I have to make proper coordinations in Manila Zoo regarding Korina Sanchez' standupper the next day.
I was given an omnibus story (three case studies in one segment) about wild animal handlers. The one handling the largest croc in the country in Davao City, the one handling the tigers of Zoobic Safari in Subic and the German National who have this vast collection of venomous snakes in Mindoro.
Monday, We were all set for the standupper of our host, unfortunately it was packed-up and rescheduled the next day.
Since the story requires us to go to three different places in one week, my writer and I agreed to work separately.
Tuesday, I flew to Davao together with my cameraman. My writer took in charge of the standupper in Manila. I came back Wednesday night. My writer had just finished covering the tiger handlers in subic. I beg to do the shoot on Friday kasi sobrang pagod na din naman ako. I was convinced that I really wanted to get some rest, better go to Mindoro on Thursday and have my rest day on Saturday until Sunday.
So, I called up Ate Lizette asking for a crew coz we need to leave ABS-CBN by 2 or 3am to catch the Montenegro Ship going to Mindoro. Surprisingly, he was my crew.
My writer didn't join the coverage coz he needs to write the script. He just gave the questions needed to be ask and the shots he needed.
So I went to Mindoro together with Nelson and Kuya Celso (Cameraman). The perks of having a shoot out of town (kahit nakakapagod)...one you get to see a different view and be away from the office. Second, you get to be with someone you really wanna be with. Hehehe.
We arrived in Mindoro by 7am siguro or 8am then headed to the house of Mario Lutz, the German National who collects venomous snakes like viper, cobra, rattlesnakes.
After the shoot. Syempre kulitan na. We went to our hotel to freshen up and get some rest coz we need to get back to Manila the next day.
Wala lang...dapat magkatabi kami sa kama tapos si Kuya Celso ang sa extra bed eh kaso nahiya naman ako. Besides I don't like the feeling of being tease with him and mostly if I am in front of him. Parang masyadong give away, parang bonus. It's makes me feel that he thinks that I'm telling people about it.
Ayun, tsaka nagmoment ako nun. Kasi tumawag si Noemi, ang tagal nila nag-usap sa phone. (Taray di ba? As if may relasyon kami...) Sobrang snob ako, niyayaya niya ko tumabi sa kama...deadma lang ako. Tapos uminom sila ni Kuya Celso ng maliit na Gran Matador. Ako...tulog-tulugan ang drama.
The next day, nung pauwi na kami, naglambing naman siya. That's one thing I like about him. Pag alam niyang bwisit ako, he knows how to make me smile and make bawi.
Syangapala, the day na pabalik kami was my birthday. So siya unang bumati sa akin. Tapos nung nasa Batangas area na kami habang nasa crewcab, tinugtog yung kanta ni Nina for Goldilocks...
Sobrang tuwang-tuwa ako kasi sinabayan niya at kinanta niya para sa akin...
"Ang araw na ito...ay araw mo pagdating mo sa ating mundo. Matatandaan, di malilimutan kailanman, kailanman. I wish you a happy birthday!"
I read an article in the paper. I told myself that it would sell in Rated K. Eventually it did. The story is about a Seaweed farmer who put up a house solely for the sea snakes that used to dwell in their former abode.
I flew to Zamboanga, Sibugay together with my writer Stanley and cameraman. The trip was tiring yet the scenic view compensated it.
Since the shoot should be done mostly on waters, we secured our phones in a zip lock bag. After the shoot, we went back to the island and got ready for dinner.
We looked at our phones for any messages or missed calls from work. I have one. I read it.
The cell number looks familiar. It was Nelson's (Iba na number niya...at hindi ko kabisado).
I dialled the number stated on the message.
Fuck!!! I was stunned!
I was freaking shouting and yelling. I immediately dialed his number and waited for him to pick-up the phone.
"ANO YUN?" I said.
"ALIN?" he said.
He was laughing...
"ANO?!" i asked again.
After that, I said goodbye and thank you.
Kuya Celso (the cameraman) was so pissed coz I was screaming out of kakiligan.
"Narda" is a song that somehow mirrors what I have for him. And what he did really made me feel that somehow, one way or another, maybe imprtant to him.
I read an article in the paper. I told myself that it would sell in Rated K. Eventually it did. The story is about a Seaweed farmer who put up a house solely for the sea snakes that used to dwell in their former abode.
I flew to Zamboanga, Sibugay together with my writer Stanley and cameraman. The trip was tiring yet the scenic view compensated it.
Since the shoot should be done mostly on waters, we secured our phones in a zip lock bag. After the shoot, we went back to the island and got ready for dinner.
We looked at our phones for any messages or missed calls from work. I have one. I read it.
The cell number looks familiar. It was Nelson's (Iba na number niya...at hindi ko kabisado).
I dialled the number stated on the message.
Fuck!!! I was stunned!
I was freaking shouting and yelling. I immediately dialed his number and waited for him to pick-up the phone.
"ANO YUN?" I said.
"ALIN?" he said.
He was laughing...
"ANO?!" i asked again.
After that, I said goodbye and thank you.
Kuya Celso (the cameraman) was so pissed coz I was screaming out of kakiligan.
"Narda" is a song that somehow mirrors what I have for him. And what he did really made me feel that somehow, one way or another, maybe imprtant to him.
Well, seems like everybody knew what I have for Nelson. It's like an open secret...But I haven't admit anything yet especially to him. I'm afraid.
One time, Kuya Otep and Jessie have to go to Mindoro for their coverage. One of their crew was Nelson. I really wanted to join because I know that he will be gone for three to four days. And I can't bear that.
I never asked Kuya Otep and Jess to bring me along. They just did and I became a part of the team then bound to Mindoro.
Of course I was so fucking happy. So happy that it's totally okay with me even if I knew for a fact that we will climb a mountain as part of the coverage.
When we arrived at the inn, we prepared all the things that were needed for the next day's coverage. After that, we agreed to drink.
Syermpre, tuksuhan na. Sabi ni Kuya Otep, makasama ko lang si Nelson, kahit umakyat ng bundok ok lang sa akin. (Totoo naman...) They were teasing him to me and vice versa.
Some of the things I like about Nelson is everything is ok with him. Hindi naman siya ganon ka-feeling pero in fairness may karapatan naman mag-feeling. He just rides with every crack of jokes. Syempre may picture taking moments din (the pics I posted in my album) Sinusubuan niya pa ako ng pulutan. Grabe! I cannot explain the feeling that night. Sobrang high, sobrang overwhelming.
8 hours of climb. Exhausting yet worth it coz I was with him during the climb. Just him and me and the Tao-Boyd that served as our guide. Kahit may kumagat sa aking Limatic (sort of a linta) okay lang. Walang katumbas na saya naman yung kapalit nun. I felt like I wasn't feeling any pagod at all.
We spent two nights sa bundok. Pagbaba namin. We all felt like we were so dirty coz di kami masyado nakaligo doon. Puro punas-punas lang...Hehehe
Well, seems like everybody knew what I have for Nelson. It's like an open secret...But I haven't admit anything yet especially to him. I'm afraid.
One time, Kuya Otep and Jessie have to go to Mindoro for their coverage. One of their crew was Nelson. I really wanted to join because I know that he will be gone for three to four days. And I can't bear that.
I never asked Kuya Otep and Jess to bring me along. They just did and I became a part of the team then bound to Mindoro.
Of course I was so fucking happy. So happy that it's totally okay with me even if I knew for a fact that we will climb a mountain as part of the coverage.
When we arrived at the inn, we prepared all the things that were needed for the next day's coverage. After that, we agreed to drink.
Syermpre, tuksuhan na. Sabi ni Kuya Otep, makasama ko lang si Nelson, kahit umakyat ng bundok ok lang sa akin. (Totoo naman...) They were teasing him to me and vice versa.
Some of the things I like about Nelson is everything is ok with him. Hindi naman siya ganon ka-feeling pero in fairness may karapatan naman mag-feeling. He just rides with every crack of jokes. Syempre may picture taking moments din (the pics I posted in my album) Sinusubuan niya pa ako ng pulutan. Grabe! I cannot explain the feeling that night. Sobrang high, sobrang overwhelming.
8 hours of climb. Exhausting yet worth it coz I was with him during the climb. Just him and me and the Tao-Boyd that served as our guide. Kahit may kumagat sa aking Limatic (sort of a linta) okay lang. Walang katumbas na saya naman yung kapalit nun. I felt like I wasn't feeling any pagod at all.
We spent two nights sa bundok. Pagbaba namin. We all felt like we were so dirty coz di kami masyado nakaligo doon. Puro punas-punas lang...Hehehe
Since almost everyday, part of my work is go to places where my story is. Sometimes I need to go out of town. And more often that not, Nelson was always my crew.
Maybe the times we're together during our shoots formed a special closeness between the two of us.
I learned his past, his escapades during his younger days...he is 32 na ata ngayon...(Fuck! Ako ba ito? I don't know how old na siya) He also shared things that really helped me know him better. Ako, ganon din. I was so good in pretending that I'm not feeling something for him. Why? Cause, I don't want the friendship to stop. But thanks to my friends in Rated K. What supposedly is a secret became a national fiasco in Rated K. I keep on telling myself that as long as I'm not admitting anything and if I continue to be as natural towards him...he wouldn't think that I really have something for him.
But...maybe I wasn't so careful at all or it became so obvious that it came to his senses that I really have something for him. But to tell you this, Nelson didn't put it in his head nor made a bid deal out of it. He remained the same. The friendship's still there. And that's one thing I like about that guy.
One day, he invited me at their place kasi Fiesta daw. Why not? He invited me naman. So we went to his Tita's House. Ang daming tao. Nakakailang kasi ako lang yung katrabaho niya na andun. He then introduced me to the his group of Tita's sitting in one table. After that, to his group of Tito's, then to his group of pinsan's... then to his siblings...(oh my god...sobrang nakakatense! feeling ko I'm his new girlfriend being introduce to the Lopena Clan) eto na...he introduced me to his son (NJ short for Nelson Junior) then to his wife(Noemi aka Esmi)
Yes...he is happily married with one son. Syempre nakwento niya na sa akin yun diba? Pati nga history nila. He was in high school, Noemi was in college na. Noemi is four years older than him.
Taray! I felt like I was the kirida being humiliated in front of everybody.
We (Nelson, Noemi and me) sat on one table to eat. Ganda ng set-up di ba?
Of course para sa akin, panira ng moment yung wife but hello?! It comes with the package. I mean...I can't do anything about it.
Since almost everyday, part of my work is go to places where my story is. Sometimes I need to go out of town. And more often that not, Nelson was always my crew.
Maybe the times we're together during our shoots formed a special closeness between the two of us.
I learned his past, his escapades during his younger days...he is 32 na ata ngayon...(Fuck! Ako ba ito? I don't know how old na siya) He also shared things that really helped me know him better. Ako, ganon din. I was so good in pretending that I'm not feeling something for him. Why? Cause, I don't want the friendship to stop. But thanks to my friends in Rated K. What supposedly is a secret became a national fiasco in Rated K. I keep on telling myself that as long as I'm not admitting anything and if I continue to be as natural towards him...he wouldn't think that I really have something for him.
But...maybe I wasn't so careful at all or it became so obvious that it came to his senses that I really have something for him. But to tell you this, Nelson didn't put it in his head nor made a bid deal out of it. He remained the same. The friendship's still there. And that's one thing I like about that guy.
One day, he invited me at their place kasi Fiesta daw. Why not? He invited me naman. So we went to his Tita's House. Ang daming tao. Nakakailang kasi ako lang yung katrabaho niya na andun. He then introduced me to the his group of Tita's sitting in one table. After that, to his group of Tito's, then to his group of pinsan's... then to his siblings...(oh my god...sobrang nakakatense! feeling ko I'm his new girlfriend being introduce to the Lopena Clan) eto na...he introduced me to his son (NJ short for Nelson Junior) then to his wife(Noemi aka Esmi)
Yes...he is happily married with one son. Syempre nakwento niya na sa akin yun diba? Pati nga history nila. He was in high school, Noemi was in college na. Noemi is four years older than him.
Taray! I felt like I was the kirida being humiliated in front of everybody.
We (Nelson, Noemi and me) sat on one table to eat. Ganda ng set-up di ba?
Of course para sa akin, panira ng moment yung wife but hello?! It comes with the package. I mean...I can't do anything about it.
I became acquainted with the rest of the seniors in Rated K, from the Executive Producer down to the Production Assistants. Same with the crew...from the Cameramen and their assistants.
I also got a hold of the job. Time consuming yet in a way gives you a feeling of fulfillment by doing what you enjoy. But I still can't move on with Regil. Six or seven years trapped in a state of still loving someone whom you haven't seen, talk to for years. I don't know why but it still is Regil.
Last May of 2005, Rated K went to Boracay courtesy of our host. Honestly, I really didn't enjoy Boracay then. Why? I became the Secretary/Personal and Production Assistant of Korina there. Hehehe...Good thing I went to Boracay February of that year with college friends to enjoy the holy week vacation.
Days passed and it was the last night of Rated K at Boracay. Ms. Korina treated us at Pier One. Everybody really enjoyed the night. Everyone's drinking, dancing, laughing and partying.
I was asked by Ms. Korina to escort her back to the hotel. Afterwhich, I joined some of the staff and crew who still wanna drink. I got so drunk that I didn't make it back to Boracay Regency. I woke up the next day lying beside Nelson. But that was nothing for me. He is just the plain Nelson that I have a crush on. I was still really into Regil.
After how many months...I don't know what happened. Maybe my closeness with Nelson (because almost everyday I have a shoot and more often than not...he's always my crew) started to grow inside me and somehow helped me forget Regil and gave me a feeling more than infatuatuion and admiration towards him.
At last I got over Regil. That was what I'm asking. What I didn't see is I am in love again...Hay!!!
I told what I'm feeling with my close friends at work and even from home. Happy coz for the past 6 or 7 years I got over someone whom I really loved and believed that I can never get over him...Excited coz I'm feeling the feeling that is so unexplainable. Sobra!
It's really in my nature to tell what is on my mind and what am I feeling. But of course, I have to be cautious coz I don't wanna make the same mistake again. And of course I don't want Nelson to find out that I have something for him. Ayoko maulit yung kay Regil na magkailangan kami...that's not healthy coz we are under one program.
I became acquainted with the rest of the seniors in Rated K, from the Executive Producer down to the Production Assistants. Same with the crew...from the Cameramen and their assistants.
I also got a hold of the job. Time consuming yet in a way gives you a feeling of fulfillment by doing what you enjoy. But I still can't move on with Regil. Six or seven years trapped in a state of still loving someone whom you haven't seen, talk to for years. I don't know why but it still is Regil.
Last May of 2005, Rated K went to Boracay courtesy of our host. Honestly, I really didn't enjoy Boracay then. Why? I became the Secretary/Personal and Production Assistant of Korina there. Hehehe...Good thing I went to Boracay February of that year with college friends to enjoy the holy week vacation.
Days passed and it was the last night of Rated K at Boracay. Ms. Korina treated us at Pier One. Everybody really enjoyed the night. Everyone's drinking, dancing, laughing and partying.
I was asked by Ms. Korina to escort her back to the hotel. Afterwhich, I joined some of the staff and crew who still wanna drink. I got so drunk that I didn't make it back to Boracay Regency. I woke up the next day lying beside Nelson. But that was nothing for me. He is just the plain Nelson that I have a crush on. I was still really into Regil.
After how many months...I don't know what happened. Maybe my closeness with Nelson (because almost everyday I have a shoot and more often than not...he's always my crew) started to grow inside me and somehow helped me forget Regil and gave me a feeling more than infatuatuion and admiration towards him.
At last I got over Regil. That was what I'm asking. What I didn't see is I am in love again...Hay!!!
I told what I'm feeling with my close friends at work and even from home. Happy coz for the past 6 or 7 years I got over someone whom I really loved and believed that I can never get over him...Excited coz I'm feeling the feeling that is so unexplainable. Sobra!
It's really in my nature to tell what is on my mind and what am I feeling. But of course, I have to be cautious coz I don't wanna make the same mistake again. And of course I don't want Nelson to find out that I have something for him. Ayoko maulit yung kay Regil na magkailangan kami...that's not healthy coz we are under one program.
I became acquainted with the rest of the seniors in Rated K, from the Executive Producer down to the Production Assistants. Same with the crew...from the Cameramen and their assistants.
I also got a hold of the job. Time consuming yet in a way gives you a feeling of fulfillment by doing what you enjoy. But I still can't move on with Regil. Six or seven years trapped in a state of still loving someone whom you haven't seen, talk to for years. I don't know why but it still is Regil.
Last May of 2005, Rated K went to Boracay courtesy of our host. Honestly, I really didn't enjoy Boracay then. Why? I became the Secretary/Personal and Production Assistant of Korina there. Hehehe...Good thing I went to Boracay February of that year with college friends to enjoy the holy week vacation.
Days passed and it was the last night of Rated K at Boracay. Ms. Korina treated us at Pier One. Everybody really enjoyed the night. Everyone's drinking, dancing, laughing and partying.
I was asked by Ms. Korina to escort her back to the hotel. Afterwhich, I joined some of the staff and crew who still wanna drink. I got so drunk that I didn't make it back to Boracay Regency. I woke up the next day lying beside Nelson. But that was nothing for me. He is just the plain Nelson that I have a crush on. I was still really into Regil.
After how many months...I don't know what happened. Maybe my closeness with Nelson (because almost everyday I have a shoot and more often than not...he's always my crew) started to grow inside me and somehow helped me forget Regil and gave me a feeling more than infatuatuion and admiration towards him.
At last I got over Regil. That was what I'm asking. What I didn't see is I am in love again...Hay!!!
I told what I'm feeling with my close friends at work and even from home. Happy coz for the past 6 or 7 years I got over someone whom I really loved and believed that I can never get over him...Excited coz I'm feeling the feeling that is so unexplainable. Sobra!
It's really in my nature to tell what is on my mind and what am I feeling. But of course, I have to be cautious coz I don't wanna make the same mistake again. And of course I don't want Nelson to find out that I have something for him. Ayoko maulit yung kay Regil na magkailangan kami...that's not healthy coz we are under one program.
I became acquainted with the rest of the seniors in Rated K, from the Executive Producer down to the Production Assistants. Same with the crew...from the Cameramen and their assistants.
I also got a hold of the job. Time consuming yet in a way gives you a feeling of fulfillment by doing what you enjoy. But I still can't move on with Regil. Six or seven years trapped in a state of still loving someone whom you haven't seen, talk to for years. I don't know why but it still is Regil.
Last May of 2005, Rated K went to Boracay courtesy of our host. Honestly, I really didn't enjoy Boracay then. Why? I became the Secretary/Personal and Production Assistant of Korina there. Hehehe...Good thing I went to Boracay February of that year with college friends to enjoy the holy week vacation.
Days passed and it was the last night of Rated K at Boracay. Ms. Korina treated us at Pier One. Everybody really enjoyed the night. Everyone's drinking, dancing, laughing and partying.
I was asked by Ms. Korina to escort her back to the hotel. Afterwhich, I joined some of the staff and crew who still wanna drink. I got so drunk that I didn't make it back to Boracay Regency. I woke up the next day lying beside Nelson. But that was nothing for me. He is just the plain Nelson that I have a crush on. I was still really into Regil.
After how many months...I don't know what happened. Maybe my closeness with Nelson (because almost everyday I have a shoot and more often than not...he's always my crew) started to grow inside me and somehow helped me forget Regil and gave me a feeling more than infatuatuion and admiration towards him.
At last I got over Regil. That was what I'm asking. What I didn't see is I am in love again...Hay!!!
I told what I'm feeling with my close friends at work and even from home. Happy coz for the past 6 or 7 years I got over someone whom I really loved and believed that I can never get over him...Excited coz I'm feeling the feeling that is so unexplainable. Sobra!
It's really in my nature to tell what is on my mind and what am I feeling. But of course, I have to be cautious coz I don't wanna make the same mistake again. And of course I don't want Nelson to find out that I have something for him. Ayoko maulit yung kay Regil na magkailangan kami...that's not healthy coz we are under one program.
I entered ABS-CBN last June of 2004. I was so excited then knowing that I'm gonna start working in Rated K, under Korina Sanchez.
The staff are all nice. It didn't took me long to get along with them. Then I was given an assignment as a Researcher. I must admit...I was really a newbie then. Every "first" really made a mark. My first assignment, my first writer, my first shoot outside and the first time I met him...Nelson.
He was the show's Assistant Cameraman then. We went to interview someone in Ortigas I think. Afterwhich, I picked up some materials in ParaƱaque. That was the first time we had our conversation.
He removed his polo and drove. He asked for my name. Oh my god, I was sitting at the passenger's seat and had the chance to take a closer look at him. Yes, I'm not gonna deny. I really find him cute then...(hello?! until now naman) He asked for my age. I said "Im 21" Guess what he said...."Uy, pareho lang pala tayo ng edad." That's the first time he cracked a joke on me and made me smile.
Honestly, I just find him cute coz I was still lingering from the memories of Regil Joseph Martinez ( A highschool thing...I called it love then...hahaha...yuck! Very highschool!) But true. I don't know what's with me. Yes, Nelson is cute but I love Regil back then.
I entered ABS-CBN last June of 2004. I was so excited then knowing that I'm gonna start working in Rated K, under Korina Sanchez.
The staff are all nice. It didn't took me long to get along with them. Then I was given an assignment as a Researcher. I must admit...I was really a newbie then. Every "first" really made a mark. My first assignment, my first writer, my first shoot outside and the first time I met him...Nelson.
He was the show's Assistant Cameraman then. We went to interview someone in Ortigas I think. Afterwhich, I picked up some materials in ParaƱaque. That was the first time we had our conversation.
He removed his polo and drove. He asked for my name. Oh my god, I was sitting at the passenger's seat and had the chance to take a closer look at him. Yes, I'm not gonna deny. I really find him cute then...(hello?! until now naman) He asked for my age. I said "Im 21" Guess what he said...."Uy, pareho lang pala tayo ng edad." That's the first time he cracked a joke on me and made me smile.
Honestly, I just find him cute coz I was still lingering from the memories of Regil Joseph Martinez ( A highschool thing...I called it love then...hahaha...yuck! Very highschool!) But true. I don't know what's with me. Yes, Nelson is cute but I love Regil back then.
It was Nelson's birthday last Tuesday, August 19, 2008. Who is he? Well, for the sake of the people who doesn't know...he is Nelson Lonzame Lopena. The guy I've been going gaga for the last 3 years now. The guy who always makes me smile effortlessly, the guy who makes me cry, the guy who inspires me, the guy who disappoints me. And for the first time...the guy I love.
What I feel for him is an open secret to everybody. What we have is too hard to understand yet too obvious to be ignored and felt.
I found out that he planned to celebrate his birthday "supposedly" today...but unexpectedly it happened last night. Prior to last night, I asked Baron to do me a favor. I told him to be free on Friday night, August 22, 2008 and join me along with Rated K to drink courtesy of Nelson's birthday celebration. Baron agreed. Thanks Baron. The idea of having Baron in the scene is my scheme to piss Nelson.
So, going back to last night, Jessie texted me that I should follow to Niche. So, I texted Baron and told him that the celebration was moved. "Wasap" Baron said. So we talked on the phone and he asked me what can he do so I asked him if he's ok to follow and he asked me where is the venue and after I told him that it's in Niche, he said that he will be there asap. Thanks again Baron.
So as I entered Niche, I already saw Jessie, Ryan, Kulet, Paul and Nelson. I sat down and waited till Baron arrives. Alas, I saw Baron arrived with his black Mercedes Benz. I told myself...let the game begin. It's a battle between me and Nelson. With Baron on my side, I got the first score as soon as he embraced me. I introduced him to Kulet and Nelson. Two points...hahaha. here's the catch. When Baron sat down, he asked for the guy I've been telling him and Nelson heard it clearly coz he was sitting beside Baron. Baron even asked me to dance with him, but unfortunately Nelson went out to buy something so the points did not credit.
Baron really made my night. He left at 11pm I think and he kissed me on the cheeks...that's the ultimate score...3 points. I thanked him and he said that "malakas ka sa akin eh..." He texted me that what I did, we did was not nice...konsensyahin ba ako?!hehehe
Now, my team mate left. I need to continue the game I started. I was really ahead but now it's Nelson's turn. And fuck, he did score a lot...Funny but what happened last night was unbearable for me. It's my idea to have him pissed yet I went home pissed and almost teary eyed cause of what he did which I will not elaborate anymore beacause of the fact that it really pissed me, and until now I'm still!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck!!! Shit!!!
It was Nelson's birthday last Tuesday, August 19, 2008. Who is he? Well, for the sake of the people who doesn't know...he is Nelson Lonzame Lopena. The guy I've been going gaga for the last 3 years now. The guy who always makes me smile effortlessly, the guy who makes me cry, the guy who inspires me, the guy who disappoints me. And for the first time...the guy I love.
What I feel for him is an open secret to everybody. What we have is too hard to understand yet too obvious to be ignored and felt.
I found out that he planned to celebrate his birthday "supposedly" today...but unexpectedly it happened last night. Prior to last night, I asked Baron to do me a favor. I told him to be free on Friday night, August 22, 2008 and join me along with Rated K to drink courtesy of Nelson's birthday celebration. Baron agreed. Thanks Baron. The idea of having Baron in the scene is my scheme to piss Nelson.
So, going back to last night, Jessie texted me that I should follow to Niche. So, I texted Baron and told him that the celebration was moved. "Wasap" Baron said. So we talked on the phone and he asked me what can he do so I asked him if he's ok to follow and he asked me where is the venue and after I told him that it's in Niche, he said that he will be there asap. Thanks again Baron.
So as I entered Niche, I already saw Jessie, Ryan, Kulet, Paul and Nelson. I sat down and waited till Baron arrives. Alas, I saw Baron arrived with his black Mercedes Benz. I told myself...let the game begin. It's a battle between me and Nelson. With Baron on my side, I got the first score as soon as he embraced me. I introduced him to Kulet and Nelson. Two points...hahaha. here's the catch. When Baron sat down, he asked for the guy I've been telling him and Nelson heard it clearly coz he was sitting beside Baron. Baron even asked me to dance with him, but unfortunately Nelson went out to buy something so the points did not credit.
Baron really made my night. He left at 11pm I think and he kissed me on the cheeks...that's the ultimate score...3 points. I thanked him and he said that "malakas ka sa akin eh..." He texted me that what I did, we did was not nice...konsensyahin ba ako?!hehehe
Now, my team mate left. I need to continue the game I started. I was really ahead but now it's Nelson's turn. And fuck, he did score a lot...Funny but what happened last night was unbearable for me. It's my idea to have him pissed yet I went home pissed and almost teary eyed cause of what he did which I will not elaborate anymore beacause of the fact that it really pissed me, and until now I'm still!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck!!! Shit!!!

Last Friday, I had a shoot at Fairview, Quezon City at the residence of the new Best Actor Baron Geisler for Salamat Dok. The segment is called Diet Police (it focus on the diet of celebs, personalities, politicians and alike). The said segment with Baron was a week overdue already since his mom got sick a couple of weeks ago.
I was with Ate Wenna. (one of Salamat Dok's Segment Producers) We arrived at their house by 730pm and Baron's still not there. We were welcomed by his mom and had a chat with her until Baron came. By 9pm we started taping the segment.
He maybe late but yes he is professional. (He just came from Pampanga for "Jay" screening I think...) No problem shooting him. Game na game. After our work was done, they asked us to try her mom's Arrozcaldo. In fairness, Baron's right about his mom's Arrozcaldo...it is great. Same with the Adobong Manok.
After eating, we still stayed for a little conversation. Baron's still surprised about me (why? akin na lang yun....hahaha) Then he asked for one round of drinks...which we gave in. So we asked our crew to go back to ABS-CBN.
Yes we drank, and we enjoyed the company. Kahiya nga sa mom ni Baron eh...But her mom said na it's ok lang daw.
Like what Baron texted me..."Till the next beer!"
Like what Baron texted me..."Till the next beer!"

Yes, I'm single and currently looking for someone. Well, technically I have a boyfriend but he is based in the US but physically I don''t have...so I don't know what will you call that.
His name is Fermin James Erosido. I think I was 19 and he was 18 then. We were still in college. He was my first boyfriend. He studies at FEU and I'm from PUP. We had the best time. Mostly watching movies, eating out and of course enjoyed the wonders of texting. It seemed that our relationship would last but eventually, after 3 months, he stopped texting. I didn't know why. And until now, I still don't know why. No regret as I remember what we had. He is cute but not that really appealing but I still remember what my friend Carina told me when she happened to see us at SM North. "Ang gwapo ng kasama ni Jerome" she said to our friends...Basically, I charged everything to experience. I told myself that it wasn't bad for a first timer. Besides there's a first time for everything ayt?

Next is Gerry Torres. He is a professor at the De La Salle University along Taft Avenue. We met through Downelink. He was 39 then and I was 21. I went to his place and we fucked. Lol. Then, we became lovers. He asked me to live with him in which I agreed. It was my first time to experience having a live-in partner. We lived, rather I lived in his condo, Sommerset Condo Tower A just near DLSU. He is a very sweet guy. He prepares me breakfast before going to work and serves me dinner everynight I go home to our humble abode. It seemed like a lasting relationship but maybe the idea of being stuck with him forever really took a toll out of the relationship. But after 3 months...I called the shots. I stopped going to our place. I had my allibis. I didn't answer his calls, texts. What would you expect of him. Of course he was fucking mad at me. I said my sorry. I admit I was such an asshole to him. But after how many years, I had the chance to tell him why I did that and again apologized for the action I made.
Last 2005, I went to Boracay with Ian and Ruth (College friends) That is where I met Abel. A 30 year old French Nactional. I forgot his surname. We met at Cocomangas during a beach party. I was introduced to him by an acquaintance I happened to saw also enjoying the night there. Maybe it's because of the beers or the ecstasy why we did the unthinkable and something very very naughty which I will not elaborate. We dated for a month. He is sweet, nice and thoughtful. For everybody’s info, Abel is my first non-Filipino boyfriend. I knew that what we really need is not each other. We just enjoyed the company.
The site Guys4men brought me and Richard to each others arm. He is a call center agent. His 27 and I'm 22. His nice, sweet, but sometimes moody. Does having a Rav 4 a plus factor? Lol. So, wahat can I say about this guy. Well, among my boyfriends, he's the only one I've been having sex with in motels. Yes...motels like Sogo, Victoria Court etc etc. I still remember the love chair we used at Victoria Court… really helpful lol. I broke up with him after 3 months and after that we got back together. We even went to Laiya, Batangas last 2006 to spend our Holy Week there. After our trip to Laiya, I never heard any news from him. He stopped answering my texts and calls…Three months since we got back together, he broke up with me. Lol.
Next is Benedict aka Dikoy. I met him through Guys4men. He is 27 and I was 23 I think. He is cute, matured and witty. We dated for two or three weeks I guess. A very short intimacy in my own words. As short as his height. Yes, he stands only 5 feet and 2 inches tall. I'm not that tall but I think his height is way too weird for his age. But we had the most exciting and fearless sex ever. We did it in a restroom in an office. I will not say if it’s his office or mine. Lol.

I met Marvin Dalag also through G4M. We eventually clicked. At first I was 24, he was 19 or 20. We had the weirdest time to have sex. Every 12 midnight, that is if we're lucky that both of his parents are way asleep already. During our first month I think, we’re more of a fuckbuddies. For me it’s ok. We both want it anyways. I took the chance to introduced him to my officemates in which I wanted him to do so but he didn't. Never even tried. I admit that I was a bad boyfriend to him. Why? I broke up with him when I met someone and that’s another story to tell. At least I tried to be a good one. I guess we are never really meant to be as lovers…rather we would be better off as friends. In fact, until now, he still communicates with me and so do I.

Last 2007, I went to Cebu for a coverage. It was my first time there and I really enjoyed it. This is where I met Stefano Ruzza, a Swiss-Italian Expat. He is the Director of Operations at Hilton Hotel Cebu, Worldwide Resort and Spa. He made his way to me through alcohol. He asked me to join him for some drinking which I gave in and that set the start of something new. He is 34 then and I’m 24. He is funny, nice, romantic and handsome. Some say he looks like Kempee de Leon. During our time, it was my first time to celebrate my birthday with a boyfriend. I flew to Cebu and we had dinner. A very romantic, intimate night it was. We had the best of our time with each other when we went to Phuket and Kuala Lumpur. After 3 months, what I thought that what we have would never end came to a stop. He never answer my emails, texts and calls. Damn!

2008, after not being in a relationship for sooo long, I met Scalpy. A 34 years old, a Chinese-Filipino-American. I met him in G4M (God, G4M is a big help to me….hahaha) He is nice, straightforward, romantic and cute. First time we met, we kissed. We held each others arm. We dated. Sometimes coffee, dinner at Greenhills and share thoughts with each other. I knew he will leave me soon coz he needs to go back to the US coz basically that’s where he lives. March 4, 2008, he left. Im so glad we had sex before he left. After 4 months, Im happy that we still communicate with each other. Either through Chikka, email and phone calls.
Having been to 8 relationships, one thing is for sure. My guy is still out there. I don’t know when, where or how but I’m sure, with the help of fate, I will be happy again.
Having been to 8 relationships, one thing is for sure. My guy is still out there. I don’t know when, where or how but I’m sure, with the help of fate, I will be happy again.

Yesterday, Alex (one of the researchers ng Salamat Dok) asked me to accompany her in her shoot at Intramuros. I did the interview in behalf of the original Segment Producer Pier Pastor. After the shoot, I asked Alex, Daddy Bong (Our Cameraman), and Kuya Freddie (Our Driver) if we can have a quick stop at Quiapo to buy DVDs. All of them said it's ok so we headed to Quiapo.
Alex was with me while we wandered around the streets of Quaipo to search for good dvds to watch. I asked the lady if they have Bioman, unfortunately they ran out of stock. So we continued and then we stopped by this stall and the price we saw really invited us. For Php25 you can have a nice movie to watch to that is a dvd copy. So I immediately scanned the movies and I picked four movies (all in the horror/suspense genre).
After spending almost 2 hours, I bought 6 dvds and believed me I was really excited to go home and wathc them all. But that didn't happen, coz I got into another inuman session again. And again...and again.
By 530am I reached Sto.NiƱo, rode the tricycle and went home. I went instantly to my room, drop my bag and then I thought that something is missing. That's the time I realized that I lost the dvds I bought...That time, I felt like I wanna cry, scream. I really had a hard time looking for those movies.
Moral lesson, I should have brought a bigger bag!
Yesterday, Alex (one of the researchers ng Salamat Dok) asked me to accompany her in her shoot at Intramuros. I did the interview in behalf of the original Segment Producer Pier Pastor. After the shoot, I asked Alex, Daddy Bong (Our Cameraman), and Kuya Freddie (Our Driver) if we can have a quick stop at Quiapo to buy DVDs. All of them said it's ok so we headed to Quiapo.
Alex was with me while we wandered around the streets of Quaipo to search for good dvds to watch. I asked the lady if they have Bioman, unfortunately they ran out of stock. So we continued and then we stopped by this stall and the price we saw really invited us. For Php25 you can have a nice movie to watch to that is a dvd copy. So I immediately scanned the movies and I picked four movies (all in the horror/suspense genre).
After spending almost 2 hours, I bought 6 dvds and believed me I was really excited to go home and wathc them all. But that didn't happen, coz I got into another inuman session again. And again...and again.
By 530am I reached Sto.NiƱo, rode the tricycle and went home. I went instantly to my room, drop my bag and then I thought that something is missing. That's the time I realized that I lost the dvds I bought...That time, I felt like I wanna cry, scream. I really had a hard time looking for those movies.
Moral lesson, I should have brought a bigger bag!
Last Thursday, June 5...me and my friends(Mami Otek, Ate Wenna) from Salamat and JC were in Malate to watch DJ Alvaro's gig at Hobbit House. The place is good, the music is ok, the beer...need I say it's the best but what happened that night was something unexpected...unforgettable. (",)
The place was full of foreigners simply because it's Malate. (Hello?!) Anyways, after DJ called me to sing with her, some of the "Joes" asked her to introduce them to our group. The next thing I know, 5 white-skinned persons were already in our table. And one guy was sitting beside me. His name is Attila, a Canadian Navy Officer that just arrived last Wednesday.
We talked about his work, my work, about him and me. Honestly, I'm kinda confused by the manner we talked, coz its...let's say it's too gay. (I don't have a talent to tell if a foreigner is gay or not.) The conversation went to flirting and when he asked me if I have a boyfriend...that's the time I got a signal to do my thing...HEHEHE.
Of course, when you flirt, you have to tease. And you have to make sure that it will work or else you'll be sorry. I told him that I love kissing and he asked me if he can kiss me. I said "Why don't you try?"
The kiss...of course I loved it. He asked the waitress for another round of drinks. Then he asked me if I can go to his place and that if it's ok to leave the rest of the guys there. So, to cut the story short I wet home with him to his place in City Garden Hotel just two blocks away from Hobbit House. I think its 'round 3am already when we reached his place.
Of course we had sex...what else will we do? Were done with the talking. It's been three months since the last time I had sex and I may say it's worth the wait.HAHAHA!
My cell woke me up at 7 in the morning. He was still sleeping and I can't help but to stare at him and just smile. How he resembles a hearthrob in ABS-CBN (His features are close to Sam Milby's) Then he woke up, embraced me and kissed me and we did it again...Nothing beats sex in the morning. After that, I told him that I need to go and still have to go back to the office for work that day.
I didn't get his number, his email address but the hell I care...Attila gave me something I will never forget for the rest of my fucking life and believe me guys, it never fails to put a smile on my face and yes, I'm fucking smiling right now while finishing this thing off...
Last Thursday, June 5...me and my friends(Mami Otek, Ate Wenna) from Salamat and JC were in Malate to watch DJ Alvaro's gig at Hobbit House. The place is good, the music is ok, the beer...need I say it's the best but what happened that night was something unexpected...unforgettable. (",)
The place was full of foreigners simply because it's Malate. (Hello?!) Anyways, after DJ called me to sing with her, some of the "Joes" asked her to introduce them to our group. The next thing I know, 5 white-skinned persons were already in our table. And one guy was sitting beside me. His name is Attila, a Canadian Navy Officer that just arrived last Wednesday.
We talked about his work, my work, about him and me. Honestly, I'm kinda confused by the manner we talked, coz its...let's say it's too gay. (I don't have a talent to tell if a foreigner is gay or not.) The conversation went to flirting and when he asked me if I have a boyfriend...that's the time I got a signal to do my thing...HEHEHE.
Of course, when you flirt, you have to tease. And you have to make sure that it will work or else you'll be sorry. I told him that I love kissing and he asked me if he can kiss me. I said "Why don't you try?"
The kiss...of course I loved it. He asked the waitress for another round of drinks. Then he asked me if I can go to his place and that if it's ok to leave the rest of the guys there. So, to cut the story short I wet home with him to his place in City Garden Hotel just two blocks away from Hobbit House. I think its 'round 3am already when we reached his place.
Of course we had sex...what else will we do? Were done with the talking. It's been three months since the last time I had sex and I may say it's worth the wait.HAHAHA!
My cell woke me up at 7 in the morning. He was still sleeping and I can't help but to stare at him and just smile. How he resembles a hearthrob in ABS-CBN (His features are close to Sam Milby's) Then he woke up, embraced me and kissed me and we did it again...Nothing beats sex in the morning. After that, I told him that I need to go and still have to go back to the office for work that day.
I didn't get his number, his email address but the hell I care...Attila gave me something I will never forget for the rest of my fucking life and believe me guys, it never fails to put a smile on my face and yes, I'm fucking smiling right now while finishing this thing off...
They say that liking someone is one thing, but being like by someone you like is another thing. I guess that also applies in love.
Time is really ticking away from the both of us. By March 4, he will be flying back to the States. I asked him how long did he think he can come back in the country. He said he doesn't know. He added that I should not wait for him. He said that I should entertain others, date around. What the fuck?! I know for myself that what we have right now is something magnificent, something unexplainable. But he noted one remarkable thing, and I believe it. I just hope it will happen. He said that fate brought us to where we are right now and if fate will let it, we will still see and be with each other again.
For the first time in my life, I am dating someone. We just went out last Friday, february 22, 2008 for our second date. We had dinner at in one of the restos in Greenhills. Though we didn't get the chance to hold each others hand nor give each other a kiss of goodbye, that night is romantic enough to compensate for it.
Until then...
Time is really ticking away from the both of us. By March 4, he will be flying back to the States. I asked him how long did he think he can come back in the country. He said he doesn't know. He added that I should not wait for him. He said that I should entertain others, date around. What the fuck?! I know for myself that what we have right now is something magnificent, something unexplainable. But he noted one remarkable thing, and I believe it. I just hope it will happen. He said that fate brought us to where we are right now and if fate will let it, we will still see and be with each other again.
For the first time in my life, I am dating someone. We just went out last Friday, february 22, 2008 for our second date. We had dinner at in one of the restos in Greenhills. Though we didn't get the chance to hold each others hand nor give each other a kiss of goodbye, that night is romantic enough to compensate for it.
Until then...
I've been to a lot of relationships. Dated a lot of men and even slept with them but I haven't really experienced feeling the way I am feeling right now.
His name is "Scalpy", 34 years old. A Chinese-Fil-Am from the US. I really thank the wonders of internet. This is the reason how we met in the first place. But I don't know what gotten into me as I sent him the message. Usually, I send messages to people who has pictures of their faces...but his displays a portrait. The next day, he replied and introduced himself and gave me his number. So I started texting him.
From then on, we started to get to know each other. He is just here for vacation. He arrived last OCTOBER, 2007. He said that he's suppose to stay for only two months but things didn't go to what the original plan is so his stay was prolonged.
February 18, we decided to meet up. But things didn't go to our plan coz he took his Lola to the Casino. As I was about to go home around 8 or 9pm, I received a text message from him asking if I already went home. I said no, and he said to wait for him and that he will pick me up.
He came in front of Esguerra gate after 30 minutes. I rode the car and we both agreed to have coffee at Figaro just near ABS-CBN. He advised me that he won't be staying that long coz he has to go back before his mom ariives home.
He's not good looking but he is cute. Again, he is cute. Yes, we both like each other. After an hour of coffee and some cigarettes, we decided to call it a night and part ways. He asked me where he can drop me off, I told him to drop me at Esguerra gate. As we turn the Mo.Ignacia street, he asked if he can hold my hand and I said yes. For the first time, I held his hand and he held mine. As we turn Esguerra Street, it seemed that both of us felt that we still don't want to part so he asked for another turn around ABS-CBN. After that, we did it again and went around for the second time. After that, we went for the third turn and now it's really goodbye. He parked the car beside a convenient store. There we stayed, still holding each other's hand, looking at each other.
There is silence in the air. But I like the feeling that we're both just stting there holding hands and looking at each other. We did say our regrets knowing that he will soon be leaving by March and that we had gotten to know each other only this February. Then we kissed. I must say and I mean it...that it was the most passionate kiss I ever had. And I can still feel his lips.
Now, four days after we first met we are still not sure when will we see each other again. I told him that I'm really feeling sad of the thought that he's here since October and that he will be leaving soon. He is right. Timing sucks but we will still see each other again.
For now, I will hold on to his promise that for as long as he is here, my ass is his and no one else's...
His name is "Scalpy", 34 years old. A Chinese-Fil-Am from the US. I really thank the wonders of internet. This is the reason how we met in the first place. But I don't know what gotten into me as I sent him the message. Usually, I send messages to people who has pictures of their faces...but his displays a portrait. The next day, he replied and introduced himself and gave me his number. So I started texting him.
From then on, we started to get to know each other. He is just here for vacation. He arrived last OCTOBER, 2007. He said that he's suppose to stay for only two months but things didn't go to what the original plan is so his stay was prolonged.
February 18, we decided to meet up. But things didn't go to our plan coz he took his Lola to the Casino. As I was about to go home around 8 or 9pm, I received a text message from him asking if I already went home. I said no, and he said to wait for him and that he will pick me up.
He came in front of Esguerra gate after 30 minutes. I rode the car and we both agreed to have coffee at Figaro just near ABS-CBN. He advised me that he won't be staying that long coz he has to go back before his mom ariives home.
He's not good looking but he is cute. Again, he is cute. Yes, we both like each other. After an hour of coffee and some cigarettes, we decided to call it a night and part ways. He asked me where he can drop me off, I told him to drop me at Esguerra gate. As we turn the Mo.Ignacia street, he asked if he can hold my hand and I said yes. For the first time, I held his hand and he held mine. As we turn Esguerra Street, it seemed that both of us felt that we still don't want to part so he asked for another turn around ABS-CBN. After that, we did it again and went around for the second time. After that, we went for the third turn and now it's really goodbye. He parked the car beside a convenient store. There we stayed, still holding each other's hand, looking at each other.
There is silence in the air. But I like the feeling that we're both just stting there holding hands and looking at each other. We did say our regrets knowing that he will soon be leaving by March and that we had gotten to know each other only this February. Then we kissed. I must say and I mean it...that it was the most passionate kiss I ever had. And I can still feel his lips.
Now, four days after we first met we are still not sure when will we see each other again. I told him that I'm really feeling sad of the thought that he's here since October and that he will be leaving soon. He is right. Timing sucks but we will still see each other again.
For now, I will hold on to his promise that for as long as he is here, my ass is his and no one else's...
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